How to Grow Business with Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing can be a great way to reach out to potential customers and keep them updated on your latest products or services. However, before you start define your objectives and what you hope to accomplish using email marketing? This will help you decide what kind of campaigns to send, who to target, what to put in them, and how to evaluate your marketing performance.

First, identify your target customers and prepare email list. Make sure your email list is up to date and accurate and includes your existing customers and potential customers/leads. There’s no use sending emails to people who are not your target audience and most likely wont be interested in what you have to offer.

Second, personalize your emails as much as possible. Make sure everything you send is to the point, interesting, and pertinent to your target. Even if you don’t specifically have something to sell in a given email, concentrate on adding value for your recipients.

Third, don’t overdo it with the marketing messages. One or two promotional emails per month is more than enough. This will avoid your email getting marked as as spammy.

email marketing

Fundamentals of Email Marketing:

Here are a few fundamentals to keep in mind :

  1. Know Your Goal

Before you start creating your email marketing campaign, you need to know what your goal is. Are you trying to promote your new business? Generate leads? Drive traffic to your website? Once you know your goal, you can create content that is specifically designed to achieve it.

  1. Build Your List

Your email list is one of the most important parts of your email marketing campaign. Without a list of subscribers, you will have no one to send your emails to. There are a few different ways to build your list, such as using an email signup form on your website or adding a signup option to your checkout process.

  1. Keep your email list up-to-date.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to make sure that your email list is clean and up-to-date. That means removing any inactive or unengaged subscribers, as well as ensuring that your list is full of accurate contact information.

How does Email Marketing work?

Email marketing is a form of marketing that can be used to let customers on your email list know about new products, discounts, and other offers. It can also be a gentler way to sell, letting your audience know what your brand is worth, or keeping them engaged between purchases. It can also be anything in between. Mailchimp can help you design, structure, and optimize your email marketing for the best ROI in your marketing plan. Very popular with digital marketers, email marketing is an old tactic that is still effective in helping businesses convert leads and engage with customers. When used methodically, it can provide a great return on investment but at the same time can be a waste of time and money if used inefficiently.

Reasons why Emails goes into Spam folder:

Some of the common reasons many marketing emails go into Spam folder are below. If your emails are going into Spam of your customers that most likely they might go un-read and un-noticed.

  • Email isn’t properly authenticated
  • Bad reputation of domain or sending IP
  • Recipients marked your emails as spam
  • Mail list is not clean
  • Reply-to address is not working
  • Using open URLs and link shorteners
  • Attachments are suspicious attachments
  • Subject line or content triggers spam filters
  • Not Following HTML Best Practices
  • No Unsubscribe Link

How to choose an Email Service Provider?

First and foremost, you need to select an email service provider (ESP) in-order to build, send, and manage email campaigns for your audience. Costs can be kept under control by selecting email marketing software with the features you require. You can start without an ESP as well initially to save money, however free webmail service providers like Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc. have limits on recipients. Below mentioned are some reasonably priced email marketing software options which you can explore:

  1. Sender
  2. Constant Contact
  3. Mailchimp
  4. MailerLite
  5. HubSpot Email Marketing
  6. SendPulse
  7. Omnisend
  8. Brevo
  9. Moosend
  10. Mailjet


Compared to other marketing channels accessible today, email marketing is the most effective driver of sales and revenue for your company. It also has the highest reach and ROI. It allows businesses to communicate with their customers (and potential customers) through direct, personal channels. This leads to more sales, loyalty and customer satisfaction. It helps small businesses as well as large companies to attract customers, generate leads and retain customers at scale.

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